veCollect version 1.0

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Register for VE Collect Access

Registering for an Applicant Account on veCollect

  • To register for veCollect you need to select your advising institution or program, i.e., the institution/program that will be handling your letters of evaluation.  You will then enter information about yourself.  Please follow the steps on the next two screens. Be prepared to create a login and password.  Be sure to make note of the login and password you create.  You will need it to log into veCollect once your account is established.
  • If your advisor has elected to allow applicant registration without advisor approval, you will receive an activation email from veCollect within a few minutes of registering.
  • If your advisor has elected to require applicants to enter an authorization code, you will be asked to enter that code.  If you do not know it, contact your advising office.
  • If your advisor has elected to require his/her approval step prior to activating your account, you will be notified by email when your account is approved and ready for you to use.  See sidebar for further information.

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